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Sasktel ties for fastest LTE speeds in the world: OpenSignal

telecom | 11/10/2016 9:29 pm EST

Saskatchewan Telecommunications Holding Corp.’s LTE download speeds are among the fastest in the world, according to a new OpenSignal Inc. report. “In the fourth quarter, Singapore had the fastest networks by far, averaging 37 Mbps, and two of its operators [Singapore Telecommunications Ltd.] and [StarHub Ltd.] joined Canada’s SaskTel in vying for the title of world’s fastest operator,” the report, released Nov. 10, said. Though SaskTel’s speeds were closer to 35 Mbps, the margin of error was such to make that a statistical tie with the other carriers. The...

BlackBerry releases new enterprise system

Media | 11/13/2014 5:58 pm EST

BlackBerry Ltd. on Thursday announced the availability of its latest system for enterprise management of mobile devices. The new system is called BES12, which BlackBerry said in a press release "is the foundation for BlackBerry's extensive portfolio of enterprise security, productivity, and communication and collaboration services that will help organizations securely connect employees with each other and with the corporate information and machines that are required to get their jobs done." BlackBerry said it's the first version of BES that will support the Internet of...