Rogers Communications Inc.'s OMNI will continue to benefit from the sole licence to operate its multi-ethnic channel on basic TV packages as a result of a CRTC decision on Thursday.
Rogers beat out seven other applicants for the licence, including BCE Inc. and Ethnic...
The CRTC has approved the sale of Corus Entertainment Inc.’s stake in Telelatino Network Inc., according to a Feb. 22 decision.
Corus had a controlling 50.5 per cent claim in the network before agreeing to sell it back to existing stakeholders in the company: a numbered...
GATINEAU, QUE. -- Rogers Communications Inc. is taking what it learned a year ago and is proposing to rectify what a previous CRTC panel said were shortcomings to run its national ethnic channel for a...
The CRTC wants Canadians to weigh in as it considers the candidates competing for a licence for a multi-ethnic channel with mandatory carriage on basic TV packages. It said in a press release...
The CRTC on Monday said it has approved two third-language television stations, and both were granted permission to use local advertising for six of the 12 permitted hourly minutes of advertising. One station approved will be...