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CRTC sticks with OMNI for multi-ethnic must-carry spot

| 05/23/2019 6:12 pm EDT

Shaw, Quebecor ask CRTC to drop dual OMNI obligationRogers Communications Inc.'s OMNI will continue to benefit from the sole licence to operate its multi-ethnic channel on basic TV packages as a result of a CRTC decision on Thursday.  Rogers beat out seven other applicants for the licence, including BCE Inc. and Ethnic...

CRTC approves Corus sale of TNI stake

Media | 03/07/2019 5:49 pm EST

CRTC approves Corus sale of TNI stakeThe CRTC has approved the sale of Corus Entertainment Inc.’s stake in Telelatino Network Inc., according to a Feb. 22 decision. Corus had a controlling 50.5 per cent claim in the network before agreeing to sell it back to existing stakeholders in the company: a numbered...

Rogers focuses on past shortcomings for ethnic must-carry licence

Media | 11/26/2018 5:55 pm EST

GATINEAU, QUE. -- Rogers Communications Inc. is taking what it learned a year ago and is proposing to rectify what a previous CRTC panel said were shortcomings to run its national ethnic channel for a...

CRTC asks for public input on Canada’s next multi-ethnic channel licensee

Media | 04/17/2018 4:43 pm EDT

The CRTC wants Canadians to weigh in as it considers the candidates competing for a licence for a multi-ethnic channel with mandatory carriage on basic TV packages. It said in a press release...

Two third-language TV channels approved

Media | 04/14/2014 5:54 pm EDT

The CRTC on Monday said it has approved two third-language television stations, and both were granted permission to use local advertising for six of the 12 permitted hourly minutes of advertising. One station approved will be...