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$1.7B broadband fund to launch in 2020, no formal consultation: ISED

telecom | 01/07/2020 6:33 pm EST

$1.7B broadband fund to launch in 2020, no formal consultation: ISEDThe federal government won’t hold a formal consultation on the development of its $1.7-billion Universal Broadband Fund for rural connectivity, as it aims to wrap up the...

CRTC rural broadband fund speed targets draw criticism

telecom | 09/27/2018 5:51 pm EDT

The CRTC revealed Thursday the details of the $750 million rural broadband fund that’s been in the works for nearly two years, prompting criticism from some groups concerned about what they say are low speed criteria. “We are disappointed that the fund initially allows for speeds that are half of the CRTC’s Basic Service Objective target of 50Mbps download and 10Mbps upload,” Byron Holland, president and CEO of the Canadian Internet Registration Authority said in a press release. “We encourage applicants to strive to meet these targets to ensure Canadians have access to quality of...