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Enough consultation, time for action on connected cars: experts

telecom | 03/27/2018 6:17 pm EDT

Autonomous car drives politicians around the HillThe government has spent years consulting on connected and autonomous cars and now is the time for it to act, Barrie Kirk, executive director of the think tank Canadian Automated Vehicles Centre of Excellence (CAVCOE), told a Parliamentary committee on the first day of its...

Infrastructure, spectrum among obstacles for connected cars

telecom | 07/12/2016 8:41 pm EDT

Traffic on the Internet of Things (IoT) is forecast to skyrocket over the coming years, and though vehicles will be part of that network, there are still a number of challenges, including infrastructure, security and spectrum, that have to be addressed before true “connected” cars can take to Canadian roads. “The big cost is the roadside infrastructure, and nobody has a viable business model for paying for that,” Barrie Kirk, an engineer and executive director of the think tank Canadian Automated Vehicles Centre of Excellence (CAVCOE), said in an email. “You...