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Community radio calls for new funding at CRTC

Internet and Governance | 11/24/2023 7:56 am EST

Community radio calls for new funding at CRTCRepresentatives from several community radio stations emphasized their role as a third-pillar of the Canadian broadcasting system during the CRTC’s hearings on Thursday, urging the regulator to develop a new funding model that supports them.  As the regulator works out...

Campaign for smartphone radio brewing

Media | 05/12/2016 8:49 pm EDT

A collection of radio stations are gearing up for a campaign for easy access to FM radio on smartphones in Canada. Similar to a campaign in the United States, Free Radio on My Phone is looking for collaboration with carriers to activate the FM chip in smartphones and inviting Canadians to contact their carrier directly and sign a petition advocating for the change. “For no additional cost, listeners could have easy access to radio for the entertainment they love and information they need, but wireless carriers are dragging their feet and won’t activate the FM chips that are in...