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Bell, NFL file appeal of Super Bowl simsub rules

Media | 01/03/2017 8:41 pm EST

BCE Inc. and the National Football League (NFL) have filed appeals in federal court arguing that the CRTC lacks the authority to ban the use of simultaneous substitution for the Super Bowl. The latest appeals, filed Dec. 28, come after the Federal Court of Appeal granted Bell the opportunity to challenge the decision, made official by the CRTC in August. It’s a ban that has drawn criticism from politicians on both sides of the border. In September, a court dismissed an earlier appeal by Bell and the NFL, stating it was premature. In last week’s...

BCE, Astral, extend deal’s closing date

Media | 05/31/2013 8:44 pm EDT

Astral Media Inc. and BCE Inc. extended the deadline to close their acquisition agreement to July 31, the companies said. The previous deadline was June 1. BCE has proposed a purchase of Astral for $3.38 billion. The CRTC, which held a public hearing on the transaction this month, is expected to issue its decision on it in early summer....