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OPC names two new deputy commissioners

| 07/06/2018 2:21 pm EDT

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada said Friday it has named two new deputy commissioners, Gregory Smolynec and Brent Homan. It said in a press release that the appointments will “be instrumental in helping to implement the OPC’s vision to be more proactive.” The OPC vowed last year that it wouldn’t wait for the government to give it order-making and monetary enforcement powers to move toward proactively raising complaints. Smolynec will become deputy commissioner of policy and promotion as of Aug. 20. The promotion program focuses on informing Canadians about their...

Resources ‘already stretched’ as breach reports set to increase: OPC

telecom | 11/03/2017 12:45 pm EDT

Resources ‘already stretched’ as breach reports set to increase: OPCOTTAWA — Privacy Commissioner of Canada Daniel Therrien does not think his office has enough resources to fulfill its mandate and properly protect Canadians’ privacy, he...