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Former Freedom executives champion single MVNO model

telecom | 02/24/2020 6:05 pm EST

Former Freedom executives champion single MVNO modelGATINEAU, Que. — The CRTC should mandate a single provider to act as a certified MVNO throughout Canada, three former Freedom Mobile executives told the regulator on the fifth day  its wireless review hearing. Alek Krstajic, Bob Boron and Bruce Kirby — former Public...

Wind adds two new executives

telecom | 04/23/2015 7:37 pm EDT

One month after Alek Krstajic took over the top job at Wind Mobile, two other key jobs at the wireless carrier are also seeing change. Bob Boron has replaced Simon Lockie as chief regulatory officer at Wind, while Bruce Kirby has taken over from Brice Scheschuck as chief strategy officer, spokesman Robert Sauer said in an email. He said Lockie and Scheschuk will continue to work with Wind's majority owner, Globalive Capital. Boron and Kirby both held similar positions under Krstajic when he was the CEO of new entrant carrier Public Mobile, later purchased by Telus Corp. in 2013. Krstajic was announced as Wind's CEO last month, replacing Pietro Cordova, who was named to the job five months earlier....

Taking that pebble out of your shoe, and the move to LTE voice

telecom | 08/14/2013 7:26 pm EDT

Mobile providers in Canada and around the world are walking around with a proverbial “pebble” in their shoe and could save millions of dollars each month when advancements in LTE wireless...