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CCSA leads lobbying after Hill visit

Media | 06/26/2017 2:55 pm EDT

CCSA leads lobbying after Hill visitLast month’s deluge of Canadian Cable Systems Alliance (CCSA) members on Parliament Hill for the group’s third annual lobby day pushed the organization to the top of the telecom lobbying list for the second month this year, logging 49 communication reports in May....

CCSA leads March lobbying pack

Media | 04/21/2017 8:39 pm EDT

The Canadian Cable Systems Alliance (CCSA) led the telecom field for lobbying the federal government in March, logging 15 communication reports for the month, according to the federal lobbyists’ registry. Those reports were split between organization president and CEO Jay Thomson and long-time consultant Harris Boyd, as they communicated with a variety of MPs, such as Opposition heritage critic Peter Van Loan, Liberal finance committee chair Wayne Easter and an Innovation Canada policy advisor. Boyd, who has been registered to lobby for CCSA for more than a decade, communicates with the government about CRTC broadcasting distribution regulations, namely “to ensure proposed changes do not increase license fees or financial contributions to Canadian programming or impose new obligations to carry programming...

ISED watching Australian cyber security overhaul

telecom | 08/09/2016 8:52 pm EDT

The Canadian government is keeping an eye on how its Australian counterpart is handling security risks to the country’s telecom networks. “Canada can learn from Australia’s experience” in reforming its...

IoT growth poses challenges for regulators

telecom | 05/13/2016 8:30 pm EDT

OTTAWA — As the number of devices connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) increases, so, too, do the regulatory challenges to keep users safe, according to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s chief...

Canada needs digital skills to harness IoT opportunities: report

telecom | 03/09/2016 8:21 pm EST

OTTAWA — If Canada is to reap the benefits of the global digital shift, it needs to stack its skilled labour deck or risk falling behind, said a new report by the Information and Communications...

Who to lobby on spectrum: Policy Map

telecom | 06/12/2015 2:33 pm EDT

With demand for wireless spectrum on the rise, policy around the finite natural resource in Canada has emerged as a major government file over the last decade. Two spectrum auctions have already taken place this year, so far...