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TekSavvy tells CRTC about incumbents trying to ‘poach’ customers

telecom | 10/24/2018 6:17 pm EDT

TekSavvy tells CRTC about incumbents trying to 'poach' customersGATINEAU — TekSavvy Solutions Inc. told the CRTC Wednesday that a sales code of conduct for the telecom industry should cover technician service visits because its...

Carriers ask CRTC to take powers from government

telecom | 10/02/2014 9:37 pm EDT

GATINEAU, Que. — Two of Canada's largest wireless carriers called on the CRTC to take some regulatory power from Industry Canada at the commission's week-long hearing into the wholesale wireless market. Both Rogers Communications Inc. and BCE Inc. want to change the balance of regulation in the wireless business, asking the CRTC to take over the arbitrator role currently filled by Industry Canada in disputes between companies.  On Wednesday Rogers said the commission should take that role on tower sharing, while on Thursday Bell said the CRTC was their regulator of choice...