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Avaya architect pleased with network performance in Sochi

telecom | 03/03/2014 9:04 pm EST

The Canadian who led the efforts of Avaya Inc. to build the communications network for use by athletes, journalists, volunteers and others directly involved with the recent Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, said the project was a success. “We’re pretty proud at how it went, from an Avaya perspective,” Dean Frohwerk, Avaya’s director of technical architects, said in a phone interview. Frohwerk, who works out of Ottawa, led a team of about 50 employees that over the past three years put together a WiFi network, Internet-protocol television system and information...

The Canadian effort behind Olympic network build

telecom | 12/13/2013 8:10 pm EST

OTTAWA — The ease with which athletes, coaches, journalists, officials and volunteers at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, are able to communicate, surf the Internet and watch events beyond their immediate locations will depend largely on a guy working in the west end of Ottawa. Avaya Inc. is the official network supplier of the Games this winter.  Avaya is based in Santa Clara, Calif., though its chief architect for the Sochi Games, Dean Frohwerk, works at Avaya’s office in the Ottawa suburb of Kanata. “It’s a soup-to-nuts, hand-to-hand solution we...