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‘Many’ in the North to get 50 Mbps+ speeds: Bains

telecom | 07/24/2019 8:01 pm EDT

'Many' in the North to get 50 Mbps+ speeds: BainsOTTAWA — As part of its strategy to tackle rural broadband in Canada, the Liberal government today announced its first spending commitment to a project that will use low earth orbit satellites to connect Canada’s most remote areas -- an approach to rural broadband that...

LEO projects promise rural, remote broadband in just a few years

telecom | 07/27/2018 3:16 pm EDT

LEO projects promise rural, remote broadband in just a few yearsThree years after a number of big companies first announced they would launch global low-earth-orbit (LEO) systems that would provide internet connectivity to remote areas around the world, that space is getting crowded — including with some Canadian competition. If...