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ACTRA backs Music Canada asks on copyright reform

Media | 06/13/2018 5:14 pm EDT

Extend private copying levy: ACTRAThe Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists (ACTRA) asked a parliamentary committee reviewing the Copyright Act to take action on the so-called “value gap,” and seconded a trio of reforms put forward by Music Canada. Both groups appeared in front of...

U.S. broadcasters look to resume retransmission row

Media | 07/21/2017 2:52 pm EDT

U.S. broadcasters look to resume retransmission rowA group of American TV stations seems to be renewing its efforts to put compensation for signals retransmitted in Canada back on the government’s agenda as it enters into renegotiations of its free-trade agreement with the U.S. and Mexico. The U.S. Television Coalition,...

U.S. channels have ‘little bargaining power’: CRTC

Media | 09/26/2014 7:40 pm EDT

Documents from the CRTC indicate its officials felt that if conventional television broadcasters from the United States had the right to negotiate their carriage by Canadian service providers, they would have "little bargaining power" due to their "marginal viewership" in Canada. "Since Canadian...