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Stop routing Canadian data through the U.S.: Security committee

telecom | 06/21/2019 5:06 pm EDT

The public safety and national security committee of the House of Commons has recommended that the federal government look at ways to make sure that Canadian data stays on Canadian soil. The federal government should, according to the committee, “explore ways to ensure all sensitive data moved within Canada has a domestically routed path, ensuring data packets are not exposed to foreign network infrastructure.” The recommendation comes in a report on cybersecurity in the financial sector, released Thursday, among several other recommendations related to cybersecurity. According...

OPC to consult ‘shortly’ on data transiting through foreign countries

telecom | 04/05/2019 1:13 pm EDT

OPC to consult ‘shortly’ on data transiting through foreign countriesThe Office of the Privacy Commissioner considers personal data of Canadians transiting through the United States and other countries a “live issue” and will “consult...

OPC names two new deputy commissioners

telecom | 07/06/2018 2:21 pm EDT

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada said Friday it has named two new deputy commissioners, Gregory Smolynec and Brent Homan. It said in a press release that the appointments will “be instrumental in helping to...