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Internet Society establishes lobby footing in Canada

Media | 03/27/2018 6:32 pm EDT

Internet Society establishes lobby footing in CanadaA decades-old organization that is pushing for a multilateral approach to decision-making on the future of the internet has registered to lobby the government for the first time. The Feb. 20 registration under consultant Kathleen Monk of Earnscliffe Strategy Group is on...

OPC investigating Facebook as gov’t responds to privacy concerns

Media | 03/21/2018 6:20 pm EDT

OPC investigating Facebook as gov’t responds to privacy concernsOTTAWA — Revelations over the weekend that Facebook Inc. data was used inappropriately for political purposes are now being formally investigated by the privacy...

Sidewalk Labs, civil liberties group register to lobby

Media | 01/08/2018 4:14 pm EST

Sidewalk Labs, civil liberties group register to lobbyAlphabet Inc.’s Sidewalk Labs kicked off the new year by registering to...

Broadcast lobbying jumped ahead of Creative Canada release

Media | 10/24/2017 6:20 pm EDT

Broadcast lobbying jumped ahead of Creative Canada releaseCreative organizations stepped up and added to a surge in lobbying activity...

50 Mbps speeds, LTE part of CRTC’s new basic service requirements

telecom | 12/21/2016 9:14 pm EST

GATINEAU, Que. — Advocates are calling the CRTC’s new basic service requirements — which include a minimum of 50 Mbps download and 10 Mbps upload speeds and LTE coverage —...

Wireless industry needs ‘stick’ to boost rural coverage: MP

Media | 10/27/2016 11:55 pm EDT

OTTAWA — While traditionally, government funding has been directed to boost fixed Internet service, perhaps there should be some public assistance for improving wireless coverage, a member of...