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Bar Association tells committee notice-and-notice falls short

Media | 12/04/2018 5:36 pm EST

OTTAWA — The Canadian Bar Association told MPs Monday Parliament should introduce a new regime to deal with online piracy in the Copyright Act because the current notice-and-notice regime is ineffective. Steven Seiferling, executive officer of the bar association’s intellectual property law section, said at the House industry committee Canada’s notice-and-notice regime isn’t enough to deter infringement if it doesn't result in consequences. He said a copyright infringer could ignore the notice or spoof their location, making it hard for a rights-holder to stop the...

Budget bill risks ‘compromising’ copyright board autonomy, committee hears

Media | 11/22/2018 12:18 pm EST

Budget bill risks ‘compromising’ copyright board autonomy, committee hearsAn expert in copyright law is asking senators to nix a reform measure in the Liberal government’s latest budget implementation bill that allows the federal cabinet to set...

SCC wrestles with scope of harm in online libel case

Media | 11/30/2017 2:00 pm EST

SCC sets Canadian jurisdiction in Facebook privacy caseOTTAWA — Canada’s highest court should prepare for consequences wrought on Canadian media in other...

Google doesn’t have to comply with SCC order: U.S. court

telecom | 11/03/2017 4:56 pm EDT

Google doesn’t have to comply with SCC order: U.S. courtAlphabet Inc.’s Google does not have to comply with an order from...