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Telus Health ‘scaling up’ as COVID-19 spreads

telecom | 03/30/2020 5:11 pm EDT

Telus Health 'scaling up' as COVID-19 spreadsTelus Corp.’s years-long investment in e-health and telemedicine has found itself rapidly expanding as the COVID-19 pandemic forces Canadians to seek medical help  without physically visiting doctor’s offices, with downloads of its Babylon Telehealth app increasing six...

Telus launches health app for infants

telecom | 01/26/2018 5:28 pm EST

Telus launches health app for infantsTelus Corp. has a new Telus Health product that promises parents a way to track the health of their baby “from birth,” said a press release on Friday. The telecom launched the Telus Baby Health App, which will track medical information like "allergies, immunizations,...