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SWIFT takes fibre goals to the Hill

Media | 02/21/2018 5:57 pm EST

SWIFT takes fibre goals to the HillOver six years after it was established, a government-funded non-profit initiative seeking to deliver fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) to about a quarter of Ontario’s — and 10 per cent of Canada’s — population is registered to lobby the government for the first time. The...

U.S. broadcasters look to resume retransmission row

Media | 07/21/2017 2:52 pm EDT

U.S. broadcasters look to resume retransmission rowA group of American TV stations seems to be renewing its efforts to put compensation for signals retransmitted in Canada back on the government’s agenda as it enters into renegotiations of its free-trade agreement with the U.S. and Mexico. The U.S. Television Coalition,...