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Networks coping, but future traffic impossible to predict

Media | 03/25/2020 5:48 pm EDT

Networks coping, but future traffic impossible to predictExperts say Canada’s telecommunications networks are currently handling a spike in residential data consumption caused by the working from home surge, but a lack of certainty around how the COVID-19 pandemic will develop means it’s almost impossible to project whether...

Michael Garbe new head of CNOC

telecom | 07/13/2016 4:35 pm EDT

Michael Garbe is taking over as chairman and CEO of the Canadian Network Operators Consortium (CNOC), while former president and chairman Bill Sandiford and former treasurer Kevin Blumberg will stay with the organization in different capacities. “CNOC is grateful for the commitment and passion both Bill and Kevin brought to the organization, and we look forward to their continued contributions in their new roles. Their steady leadership has been critical during this dynamic regulatory era. As incoming [chair], I will rely on their on-going advice to move the organization forward,” Garbe said in a Tuesday press release. Garbe, the CEO of enterprise-focused ISP Accelerated Connections Inc., was previously vice-chairman of CNOC, the release noted. Distributel Communications Ltd. CEO Matt Stein is the new...