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Cogeco hires lobbyist with wireless spectrum expertise

telecom | 07/03/2018 11:54 am EDT

Cogeco hires lobbyist with wireless spectrum expertiseAmir Bigloo, who has a history of successful spectrum purchases as CEO of Corridor Communications Inc. (CCI), recently began lobbying on behalf of Cogeco Inc. during a period that saw the telecom vie for more wireless spectrum. The Kian Telecom Inc. CEO joined Cogeco as...

Balsillie-led Centre for Digital Rights registers to lobby

Media | 05/25/2018 12:33 pm EDT

Balsillie-led Centre for Digital Rights registers to lobbyA new organization called the Centre for Digital Rights (CDR) that is looking to create a national data strategy has registered to lobby the government after its co-founder Jim Balsillie told a House of Commons ethics committee this month that internet giants are engaging in...

Rogers, Bell add junk food bill concerns to lobby efforts

Media | 04/25/2018 2:54 pm EDT

Rogers, Bell add junk food bill concerns to lobby effortsRogers Communications Inc. and BCE Inc. have registered to lobby the...

Internet Society establishes lobby footing in Canada

Media | 03/27/2018 6:32 pm EDT

Internet Society establishes lobby footing in CanadaA decades-old organization that is pushing for a multilateral approach to decision-making on the future...

SWIFT takes fibre goals to the Hill

Media | 02/21/2018 5:57 pm EST

SWIFT takes fibre goals to the HillOver six years after it was established, a government-funded non-profit initiative seeking to deliver...

End of 2017 saw Stingray, Birch Hill reinvigorate lobby efforts

Media | 01/17/2018 4:39 pm EST

Stingray Digital Group Inc. and Birch Hill Equity Partners ramped up their lobbying in December, with both submitting their first communications reports for the year in the last weeks of 2017....

Sidewalk Labs, civil liberties group register to lobby

Media | 01/08/2018 4:14 pm EST

Sidewalk Labs, civil liberties group register to lobbyAlphabet Inc.’s Sidewalk Labs kicked off the new year by registering to lobby the federal government, while telecom and broadcasting communications in November grew significantly from the month before. Joshua Sirefman of Sirefman Ventures, Inc. registered in early...

Broadcast lobbying jumped ahead of Creative Canada release

Media | 10/24/2017 6:20 pm EDT

Broadcast lobbying jumped ahead of Creative Canada releaseCreative organizations stepped up and added to a surge in lobbying activity...

U.S. broadcasters look to resume retransmission row

Media | 07/21/2017 2:52 pm EDT

U.S. broadcasters look to resume retransmission rowA group of American TV stations seems to be renewing its efforts to put compensation for signals...