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CRTC needs clarity over who can resolve 5G rollout disputes: Scott

Media | 10/30/2018 4:34 pm EDT

CRTC needs clarity over who can resolve 5G rollout disputes: ScottOTTAWA — The head of Canada’s telecom regulator says clarity on where it stands when it comes to resolving disagreements over the rollout of 5G infrastructure is one...

Senators asked to champion net neutrality in comms laws review

Media | 09/18/2018 6:38 pm EDT

Senators asked to champion net neutrality in comms laws reviewOTTAWA -- Lawmakers need to make net neutrality a major priority and imprint the principle into any new communications legislation, University of Ottawa law professor Michael Geist and Carleton University communication studies professor Dwayne Winseck told Senators Tuesday....