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Telecoms point to growing WiFi, IoT spectrum demand in ISED consultation

telecom | 02/26/2018 7:46 pm EST

Canada’s telecoms are taking sides on how Innovation Canada should approach the release of more licence-exempt spectrum, including whether more should be allocated for WiFi use, as it prepares for the proliferation of connected devices in a 5G world. “As Canadians connect more and more devices to their home networks, more unlicensed spectrum will also be needed to support the faster wireline speeds Internet service providers are delivering,” Rogers Communications Inc. said in a reply...

FCC consulting on proposal to reverse net neutrality rules

telecom | 05/19/2017 5:14 pm EDT

FCC consulting on proposal to reverse net neutrality rulesThe Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is seeking comment on its proposal, approved Thursday, to replace its current net neutrality rules. It passed by a 2-1 vote a proposal by FCC chairman Ajit Pai, announced last month, for a new plan to replace the existing Open...