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PKP proposes 20 per cent base contribution for foreign online platforms at CRTC hearings

Media | 11/21/2023 4:59 am EST

PKP proposes 20 per cent base contribution for foreign online platforms at CRTC hearingsThe long-awaited hearing on how the CRTC should implement the Online Streaming Act, particularly if online streaming services should make a base financial contribution to...

Peggy Tabet named VP of regulatory at Quebecor

Media | 07/24/2020 1:37 pm EDT

Quebecor Inc. has promoted Peggy Tabet, previously vice-president of broadcasting regulatory affairs, to the job of vice-president of regulatory and public affairs. In the new position, Tabet will oversee regulatory matters for both broadcasting and telecom, Quebecor said in a French-language press release Thursday.  Tabet has been with the company for 22 years, the release said. ...

Bell, Rogers defend sales practices to CRTC

telecom | 10/26/2018 8:00 pm EDT

Bell, Rogers defend sales practices to CRTCGATINEAU –– BCE Inc. and Rogers Communications Inc. defended their sales tactics Friday after a week...

Quebecor blames bigger providers for sales practices hearings

telecom | 10/25/2018 6:26 pm EDT

Quebecor blames bigger providers for sales practices hearingsGATINEAU — Telecom providers who appeared before the CRTC Thursday said...

Quebecor files complaint against Bell Fund

Media | 02/18/2014 7:56 pm EST

Quebecor Inc.’s media division has filed a complaint against the BCE Inc.-supported Bell Fund, claiming it had three TV projects that were unfairly turned down for funding last year. In letter filed on the CRTC’s...