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Quebec digital strategy aims for 90% to have 100 Mbps speeds

telecom | 12/14/2017 5:46 pm EST

Quebec digital strategy aims for 90% to have 100 Mbps speedsQuebec unveiled a five-year digital strategy Wednesday, which included long-term goals to provide high speed internet access to 100 per cent of the province’s population, more digital government services and to elevate the visibility of Quebec culture on digital networks....

Scheer backs Que. calls for roadside wireless coverage

telecom | 07/25/2017 4:42 pm EDT

Few policy details from new CPC leaderOpposition leader Andrew Scheer has added his voice to a campaign in Quebec to improve wireless phone coverage along a rural stretch of highway. In a press release Tuesday, Scheer said he was backing a pair of residents, Daniel Deschamps and Dany Morin, in their efforts...