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Rogers email users mad about missing data mining opt-out

Media | 04/20/2018 5:18 pm EDT

Rogers email users mad about missing data mining opt-outRogers Communications Inc. customers spoke out on social media this week about the use of their data for advertising purposes through the Verizon Communications Inc.-owned Yahoo email product, as well as the lack of easy options to opt out of the processing. The worries...

Facebook says its data can’t be used for surveillance

Media | 03/14/2017 6:26 pm EDT

Facebook Inc. has updated its policies to state that developers cannot use data obtained from its social media networks “to provide tools that are used for surveillance.” While the change was prompted by events that took place in the United States, Facebook spokesman Jay Nancarrow said in an email Tuesday that the policy applies globally. “Over the past several months we have taken enforcement action against developers who created and marketed tools meant for surveillance, in violation of our existing policies; we want to be sure everyone...