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Rogers’ revenue, profits, Internet users, rise; cable subs fall

Media | 07/24/2013 8:01 pm EDT

Rogers Communications Inc.’s operating revenue rose slightly to $3.2 billion for the second quarter of 2013 from $3.1 billion at the same time last year. The company released its second quarter financial results Wednesday, reporting profits of $532 million from $413 million during the same period a year ago. The company added 98,000 postpaid wireless subscribers during the three-month period, bringing its total postpaid subscriber base to 7,976,000, while it lost 56,000 prepaid wireless customers. Wireless revenues rose three per cent to $1.8 billion during the quarter, Rogers said. Rogers' cable division lost 35,000 TV subscribers and gained 6,000 Internet and 17,000 phone...