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Joly out at Heritage as Pablo Rodriguez named new minister

Media | 07/18/2018 5:00 pm EDT

Joly out at Heritage as Pablo Rodriguez named new ministerFormer chief government whip Pablo Rodriguez is the new heritage minister, replacing the embattled Mélanie Joly, after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shuffled his cabinet on Wednesday. Rodriguez has “a lot” of previous experience with this portfolio, independent...

Privacy commish flags ‘flaw’ in new elections bill

Media | 05/01/2018 2:42 pm EDT

Privacy commish flags 'flaw' in new elections billOTTAWA — Proposed legislation that will require federal political parties to have and make public privacy policies covering the collection and use of electoral information is a “small” step in the right direction, but a lack of enforcement is a major concern in the...

Questions remain about CSE public info use, Cambridge Analytica

Media | 03/23/2018 10:46 am EDT

Questions remain about CSE public info use, Cambridge AnalyticaOTTAWA — Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan couldn’t tell MPs or reporters...

OPC investigating Facebook as gov’t responds to privacy concerns

Media | 03/21/2018 6:20 pm EDT

OPC investigating Facebook as gov’t responds to privacy concernsOTTAWA — Revelations over the weekend that Facebook Inc. data was used...

Facebook beefs up lobbying squad

Media | 03/21/2017 3:04 pm EDT

Facebook Inc. is increasing its government relations presence in Ottawa, with three new registrations filed with the lobbying commissioner’s office last month. According to the federal lobbyists’...