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C-10 headed to HoC; Bloc adds 5 year review of act

Media | 06/11/2021 6:10 pm EDT

As CRTC rejects FairPlay, proposal could move to legislative reviewsA debate which Canadian Heritage Committee chair Scott Simms has jokingly said was “so exciting we could sell the rights to Netflix” has finally come to an end. The committee completed its clause-by-clause review of  Bill C-10 Friday afternoon, days after the House...

Clock runs out on C-10 debate, Conservative motion requiring CRTC legal opinions on regs fails

Media | 06/10/2021 7:34 pm EDT

CRTC proposes code of conduct for ISPsTime ran out on Bill C-10 debate -- after the Liberals and Bloc Québécois teamed up to pass a time allocation “gag order” in the House of Commons earlier this week -- as...