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ISED PS Lametti hot property for April lobbying

Media | 05/23/2017 3:30 pm EDT

ISED PS Lametti hot property for April lobbyingThe parliamentary secretary to the innovation minister was a popular target for lobbyists last month, as representatives from major telecom and Internet companies sought him out, according to the latest statistics from the office of the lobbying commissioner. BCE...

Google not ‘grabbing’ media revenue, VP tells MPs

Media | 11/15/2016 9:53 pm EST

OTTAWA — Creating the oft-asked-for level playing field by making foreign digital services subject to Canadian sales tax would hurt smaller companies trying to break into the country’s market, a House of Commons committee heard Tuesday from a representative of Alphabet Inc.’s Google Canada. The standing committee on Canadian heritage needs to consider the implications of changing the rules to support the request the committee heard repeatedly during its ongoing study of the media and local communities, said Jason Kee, Google Canada’s counsel for public...

CIPF criticism ‘misleading,’ Blais tells committee

Media | 10/20/2016 8:55 pm EDT

OTTAWA — CRTC chairman Jean-Pierre Blais defended the rationale and timing of the regulator’s controversial decision to change the eligibility requirements to access certified independent...