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Yale responds to criticism about review panel consumer reps

Media | 11/01/2018 2:29 pm EDT

Yale responds to criticism about review panel consumer repsOTTAWA – Conservative senators doubled-down on a previously-raised concern with the makeup of the Liberal government's expert panel reviewing Canada's communications laws, telling panel members testifying before the Senate's transport and communications committee Wednesday...

Senators criticize makeup of comms acts review expert panel

Media | 10/04/2018 12:55 pm EDT

Senators criticize makeup of comms acts review expert panelOTTAWA — Two senators on the Senate transport and communications committee raised concerns to federal bureaucrats testifying Wednesday night that the Liberal government's expert panel tapped to review the country's communications laws isn't diverse enough in its makeup....

Privacy commish funding work on rules for connected cars

Media | 03/28/2017 8:29 pm EDT

OTTAWA — The federal privacy commissioner will be working with stakeholders to develop a “code of practice” to help address privacy concerns around connected and autonomous vehicles,...