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Quebec court authorizes class-action against Bell’s Télébec, Câblevision

telecom | 02/09/2022 6:09 pm EST

Quebec court authorizes class-action against Bell’s Télébec, CâblevisionA Superior Court of Quebec judge has authorized a class-action lawsuit against BCE Inc.’s  Télébec or Câblevision du Nord du Québec for imposing changes of rates which...

Altice buys Cablevision for $17.7B US

telecom | 09/17/2015 2:42 pm EDT

Altice SA, a France-based telecom and cable company, announced Thursday it has acquired Cablevision Systems Corp. for $17.7 billion US, making it the fourth largest cable operator in the U.S. market. Altice said in a press release that after buying Cablevision and its acquisition of Suddenlink Communications earlier this year, it will serve 4.6 million customers in 20 states and noted that both companies will benefit from the national platform as well as “additional international operational expertise.” “The strategy of Altice in the large and highly strategic U.S. market...

CBS, Cablevision carriage agreement features streaming

Media | 08/25/2015 7:55 pm EDT

CBS Corp. and Cablevision Systems Corp. announced on Tuesday that CBS All Access and Showtime streaming services will be delivered to Cablevision’s Optimum Online customers as part of a...

Canadian tech company to help carriers implement VoLTE

telecom | 02/11/2015 9:44 pm EST

Sandvine Inc., a Canadian company that provides software to telecommunications service providers around the world, said Wednesday that it has added capabilities enabling it to help carriers offer...

Cablevision to launch ‘all-WiFi’ phone service in U.S.

telecom | 01/26/2015 5:08 pm EST

U.S. telecom provider Cablevision Systems Corp. said Monday it will launch low-cost “all-WiFi” cellphone service next month, with unlimited talk, text and data. The company said in a release that the service, called Freewheel, will work anywhere around the world where a WiFi signal is accessible, and...