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Rovi Guides infringement case against Bell, Ericsson companies will move ahead

Media | 07/05/2022 5:23 pm EDT

Rovi Guides infringement case against Bell, Ericsson companies will move aheadA Federal Court judge has dismissed an attempt by BCE Inc. and Ericsson AB to have a patent infringement case against them thrown out.  In a decision released last...

Rovi’s STB suit against Quebecor will proceed via Zoom

Media | 05/13/2020 4:14 pm EDT

A Federal Court proceeding between Quebecor Inc.'s Videotron and Rovi Guides Inc. that was halted in early March as the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns began, will resume via Zoom, over the objections of Videotron, a judge has ruled.  In a decision released Wednesday, Justice Roger Lafrenière quoted an Australian judge who ruled in a similar matter: "I think we must try our best to make this trial work. If it becomes unworkable then it can be adjourned, but we must at least try." The trial, which had heard from three witnesses from Rovi Guides before it was called off as the lockdowns and...

Rovi’s STB suit an attempt to extract royalties, Videotron says

Media | 12/06/2019 11:49 am EST

Rovi’s STB suit an attempt to extract royalties, Videotron saysQuebecor Inc.’s Videotron will argue in Federal Court later this month...