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Satellite networks vital next step for Canada to reach connectivity goals: Terrestar

telecom | 06/24/2024 6:02 pm EDT

Satellite ready to integrate with cellular communications: TerreStarRecent advancements in the satellite communications ecosystem have made mobile connectivity via satellite a much more economical way to bridge Canada’s digital divide,...

CRTC denies TerreStar’s bid for stay of contribution decision

telecom | 02/07/2024 3:41 pm EST

Deny TerreStar ask for more spectrum, telecoms tell ISEDThe CRTC has denied an application by TerreStar Solutions Inc. for a stay of a commission decision on contribution requirements. TerreStar first filed its request last August.  Telus Corp. backed the Quebec telecom up in its filing to the regulator. The final decision...

Satellite ready to integrate with cellular communications: TerreStar

telecom | 11/13/2023 5:11 pm EST

Satellite ready to integrate with cellular communications: TerreStarEarlier this month, TerreStar Solutions Inc. announced it successfully...

Broadcasters’ association, Corus, add new lobby registrations

Media | 08/24/2018 11:33 am EDT

The Canadian Association of Broadcasters registered to lobby the federal government on its review of the Copyright Act in July, which was otherwise a sleepy month in telecom and media government...

ISED says no to TerreStar’s bid for more spectrum

telecom | 02/20/2018 3:31 pm EST

Deny TerreStar ask for more spectrum, telecoms tell ISEDInnovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada has decided against assigning additional unlicenced spectrum to TerreStar Solutions Inc. following opposition from a number of telecoms. TerreStar asked that ISED give it additional spectrum in the 1695-1710 MHz...

Deny TerreStar ask for more spectrum, telecoms tell ISED

telecom | 07/26/2017 3:17 pm EDT

Deny TerreStar ask for more spectrum, telecoms tell ISEDTerreStar Solutions Inc. is asking Innovation, Science and Economic...

AWS-3 auction set for March 3, consultation starts on 600 MHz

telecom | 12/18/2014 8:24 pm EST

Industry Canada on Thursday announced March 3 as the date for the beginning of the AWS-3 auction and proposed policy changes to make 600 MHz, AWS-4 and 3500 MHz spectrum available for mobile use in...

Industry Canada to consult on AWS-4 spectrum

telecom | 05/21/2014 8:14 pm EDT

Industry Canada said Wednesday it will hold consultations on AWS-4 spectrum, the use of which it said “will improve mobile services network coverage in virtually all rural and remote areas of Canada.” This spectrum is...