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Committee’s ISP tax proposal a non-starter: PM

Media | 06/15/2017 4:29 pm EDT

Committee’s ISP tax proposal a non-starter: PMOTTAWA — A House of Commons committee recommendation to expand the five-per-cent contribution broadcast distribution undertakings (BDUs) are required to make to the Canadian Media Fund to Internet Service Providers (ISPs) was dead on arrival Thursday, with both Prime...

Redirect voice subsidy to broadband, CRTC panel hears

telecom | 04/21/2016 9:37 pm EDT

GATINEAU, Que. — With the use of landlines declining across the country, the money collected for the provision of universal phone service should be reallocated to cover areas of the country underserved by broadband connectivity, CRTC commissioners heard Thursday. On the ninth day of a three-week basic services hearing, the five-member panel was encouraged to stay away from the idea of creating new subsidies to fund the gaps in Internet service. Rogers Communications Inc. remained in step with other large telecommunications companies that have already appeared before the panel, with...