In a pair of studies measuring home internet service this week, BCE Inc. was positioned at the two ends of the spectrum, topping out the list of fastest connections in Canada, but falling to near the bottom of the pack in customer satisfaction. Results of reports from PC Magazine and J.D. Power, the first measuring speed and the other customer satisfaction, were announced on Tuesday and Thursday, respectively. Bell came in with the fastest speeds on average, with a 115 Mbps PCMag “speed...
Non-traditional TV subscribers, such as those who use over-the-top (OTT) services, are more satisfied than those with traditional pay-TV subscriptions, a new J.D. Power survey suggested. Customers who participated in the company’s 2017 Canadian TV Provider Customer Satisfaction Study rated their satisfaction with the overall experience of alternative video services as a 7.58 on a 10-point scale, compared to a rating of 7.04 for traditional pay TV service, J.D. Power said in a Thursday...
Telus Corp. and Quebecor Inc.’s Videotron had the fewest reported problems on their networks in certain regions of the country, according to a new study by J.D. Power. Released Thursday, the...
Wireless customers are taking advantage of an improved online experience and increasingly making purchases over the Internet, according to the results of a study released Thursday. The percentage...
A new report from J.D. Power says customers’ increasing usage of wireless data is “stressing overall network quality performance.” Its Canadian Wireless Network Quality Study...
Consumers who shop at big-box stores are more likely to purchase unlocked phones and are more likely to switch wireless providers, according to results of a study released Thursday. Half of the customers who buy phones from...
The proportion of Canadians connected to the Internet by fibre is rising and these people are more satisfied with their Internet service than others, according to market research data released Thursday. J.D. Power and Associates said in press release that its most recent study of Internet service satisfaction in the country showed 18 per cent of Canadians reporting a fibre-optic connection, up from 15 per cent a year earlier. Internet customers on fibre reported a satisfaction level of 698 out of 1,000, J.D. Power said. Those getting Internet through cable had a satisfaction score of...