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C-10 headed to HoC; Bloc adds 5 year review of act

Media | 06/11/2021 6:10 pm EDT

As CRTC rejects FairPlay, proposal could move to legislative reviewsA debate which Canadian Heritage Committee chair Scott Simms has jokingly said was “so exciting we could sell the rights to Netflix” has finally come to an end. The committee completed its clause-by-clause review of  Bill C-10 Friday afternoon, days after the House...

Clock runs out on C-10 debate, Conservative motion requiring CRTC legal opinions on regs fails

Media | 06/10/2021 7:34 pm EDT

CRTC proposes code of conduct for ISPsTime ran out on Bill C-10 debate -- after the Liberals and Bloc Québécois teamed up to pass a time allocation “gag order” in the House of Commons earlier this week -- as...

Conservative attempt to reintroduce C-10 social media exclusion fails

Media | 05/31/2021 5:48 pm EDT

The federal government’s Canadian Heritage Committee is holding firm on plans to subject social media to broadcasting regulations after it voted down a proposed amendment from the Conservative Party...

On C-10, Conservatives attacking Canadian, Quebec culture: Trudeau

Media | 05/26/2021 6:51 pm EDT

Privacy commissioner hasn't approved new gov't contact tracing app“Conservatives just don’t get it” when it comes to Bill C-10,...

Bill C-10 does not impact net neutrality: Guilbeault 

Media | 05/25/2021 6:20 pm EDT

Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault says Bill C-10 -- the Liberal government's update of the Broadcasting Act, which now allows for the regulation of content on social media platforms -- will have no...

Heritage committee votes to limit CRTC social media regulatory powers

Media | 05/19/2021 5:52 pm EDT

CRTC proposes code of conduct for ISPsThe House of Commons’ Heritage Committee resumed its work on the...

Libs now seek to restrict CRTC social media powers, Bloc says enough with filibustering

Media | 05/07/2021 6:39 pm EDT

CRTC proposes code of conduct for ISPsAfter saying it would address concerns around freedom of expression and the regulation of social media user content in its overhaul of the Broadcasting Act known as Bill C-10,...

Broadcast Act updates not comprehensive enough: NDP, Conservatives

Media | 11/03/2020 6:44 pm EST

Broadcaster pushes for new multilingual channel as COVID lobbying continuesThe Liberal government’s proposed updates to the Broadcasting Act have...

Conservatives name new innovation, heritage critics

Media | 09/08/2020 4:36 pm EDT

Conservatives name new innovation, heritage criticsNew Conservative leader Erin O’Toole shuffled his shadow cabinet Tuesday, with new faces appointed to...