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NDP’s McPherson moves to deputy Heritage critic, Masse remains with Innovation, gets deputy

Media | 10/29/2021 2:47 pm EDT

NDP’s McPherson moves to deputy Heritage critic, Masse remains with Innovation, gets deputyTwo new faces will be stepping into critic roles for the NDP in the Canadian Heritage and Innovation, Science and Industry files respectively, after the party announced its...

Heritage committee votes to limit CRTC social media regulatory powers

Media | 05/19/2021 5:52 pm EDT

CRTC proposes code of conduct for ISPsThe House of Commons’ Heritage Committee resumed its work on the government's update to the Broadcasting Act by narrowly voting to restrict the CRTC’s regulatory powers in...

Broadcast Act updates not comprehensive enough: NDP, Conservatives

Media | 11/03/2020 6:44 pm EST

Broadcaster pushes for new multilingual channel as COVID lobbying continuesThe Liberal government’s proposed updates to the Broadcasting Act have...

NDP calls for OTT sales tax, end of ad tax exemption

Media | 05/13/2019 2:25 pm EDT

NDP calls for OTT sales tax, end of ad tax exemptionMONTREAL — The NDP’s platform for this year’s federal election will include requiring foreign...

New 2030 speed target too far away for rural Canada: NDP critic

telecom | 03/22/2019 11:25 am EDT

New 2030 speed target too far away for rural Canada: NDP criticOTTAWA — NDP industry critic Brian Masse says the new broadband strategy...