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Rogers, Bell add junk food bill concerns to lobby efforts

Media | 04/25/2018 2:54 pm EDT

Rogers, Bell add junk food bill concerns to lobby effortsRogers Communications Inc. and BCE Inc. have registered to lobby the government on proposed Senate legislation, now moving through the House, to quell the impact of junk food advertising on children, joining critics who lobbied heavily in March about the bill they say will...

Senate committee to look into issue of tax on foreign ads

Media | 04/24/2018 5:58 pm EDT

Senate committee to look into issue of tax on foreign adsOTTAWA — The chairman of the Senate transport and communications committee said Tuesday that he will look to hold hearings on the possibility of taxing advertising on non-Canadian internet platforms. “What I will undertake is that we will...talk about hearings that...

Future of health care is online, despite connectivity issues: senators

telecom | 10/31/2017 5:41 pm EDT

Future of health care is online, despite connectivity issues: senatorsOTTAWA — Technologies that allow doctors to diagnose and treat patients...

Senators going to U.K. as part of CBC review

Media | 02/03/2015 7:59 pm EST

Five Canadian senators are going to the United Kingdom this month on a "fact-finding mission" as part of a study on the difficulties faced by CBC/Radio Canada. The Senate's transport and communications standing...