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Connectivity strategy repeats budget promises, offers no details

telecom | 06/27/2019 2:57 pm EDT

Broadband strategy coming before the election: rural ministerThe connectivity strategy released by Rural Economic Development Minister Bernadette Jordan Thursday morning reiterated the Liberals’ commitment to the promises made in the federal budget, but offered no new information about how those funds will be spent. What the...

ISED missed internal CTI deadline despite ‘considerable pressure’: docs

telecom | 06/24/2019 5:40 pm EDT

Bernadette Jordan tasked to ‘lead work’ to improve rural broadbandThe federal government failed to meet an internal goal by which it aimed to have nearly all of the contribution agreements signed for its Connect to Innovate (CTI) rural...

Broadband strategy coming before the election: rural minister

telecom | 06/03/2019 11:43 am EDT

Broadband strategy coming before the election: rural ministerOTTAWA — The new rural economic development ministry will release the...

Connect to Innovate applicants should hear back soon: Jordan

telecom | 05/16/2019 5:16 pm EDT

Connect to Innovate applicants should hear back soon: JordanOTTAWA — After details emerged last week that 60 per cent of applicants...

New rural dev. ministry to release plans for broadband in June

telecom | 05/02/2019 6:04 pm EDT

OTTAWA — The newly-minted Ministry of Rural Economic Development will next month release its development strategy for the rural economy, detailing among other things how it plans to spend its...

Rural broadband spending should be priority in next budget: NDP MP

telecom | 02/21/2019 6:49 pm EST

Parliamentarians who stuck around the House of Commons for a Wednesday evening debate on a Liberal motion to take a hard look at Canada’s rural broadband gap said spending on underserved areas must...

Bell grows fixed wireless plans by 400,000 homes

telecom | 02/07/2019 3:26 pm EST

BCE Inc. says it will grow its rural fixed-wireless plans by 50 per cent, thanks to new tax measures the Liberal government announced last fall aimed at promoting investments in rural areas. Company CEO George Cope announced Thursday morning on a quarterly earnings conference call that Bell will increase its rural fixed wireless expansion -- what it calls its wireless-to-the-home program -- to 1.2 million homes, up from 800,000. Cope said the move is driven by the federal government’s Accelerated Investment Incentive, a capital cost allowance program announced in the fall fiscal...

Bernadette Jordan tasked to ‘lead work’ to improve rural broadband

telecom | 01/29/2019 12:56 pm EST

Bernadette Jordan tasked to ‘lead work’ to improve rural broadbandThe Prime Minister’s Office has made public the mandate letter for the...

New rural development minister to tackle broadband availability

telecom | 01/14/2019 2:33 pm EST

New rural development minister to tackle broadband availabilityAfter the auditor general blasted the government for not having a clear...

Sidewalk Labs, civil liberties group register to lobby

Media | 01/08/2018 4:14 pm EST

Sidewalk Labs, civil liberties group register to lobbyAlphabet Inc.’s Sidewalk Labs kicked off the new year by registering to...