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CTS panelists criticize asymmetrical fibre access regime, urge national approach

telecom | 06/20/2024 11:40 am EDT

CTS discusses road map to growth in telecom market despite challengesIndustry experts on the Canadian Telecom Summit’s “regulatory blockbuster” panel agreed that Canada's wholesale fibre access regime should be applied on a national...

Internet Society lobbies on project to get ahead of IoT vulnerabilities

telecom | 10/17/2019 5:33 pm EDT

Distributel asks court for ability to challenge future site-blockingThe Canadian chapter of the Internet Society (ISCC) is looking to embark on a broad scale project involving foreign and local governments, civil society and industry to tackle...

IoT to impose ‘incredible’ legal responsibility on telecoms: panel  

telecom | 11/15/2017 5:42 pm EST

IoT to impose ‘incredible’ legal responsibility on telecoms: panel  OTTAWA — The proliferation of internet of things (IoT) devices will foist...

Government needs to move quicker, do more on telecom issues: panel

Media | 11/08/2017 6:13 pm EST

Government needs to move quicker, do more on telecom issues: panelTORONTO — The federal government and the CRTC must pick up the pace and...