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ARIN asks Parliament to require ISPs to maintain Whois info

telecom | 01/04/2019 6:21 pm EST

ARIN asks Parliament to require ISPs to maintain Whois infoThe organization responsible for allocating IP numbers to intermediaries in Canada is raising concerns there may no longer be a strong incentive for companies to keep updated records on IP number allocation or Whois information, and it wants Parliament to address the issue....

Telus, Corus jockeying over PVR cloud storage rules

telecom | 12/19/2018 10:48 am EST

Telus, Corus jockeying over PVR cloud storage rulesCorus Entertainment Inc. is taking issue with a request by Telus Corp. to have Parliament change the rules for storing personal video recorder (PVR) recordings on network servers, warning the server-space-saving proposal could hurt the video-on-demand market. Telus has...

Report calls for ‘larger role’ for small rural broadband players

telecom | 04/17/2018 5:40 pm EDT

Report calls for ‘larger role’ for small rural broadband playersOTTAWA — The House of Commons standing committee on industry, science and...

NDP calls on Apple to justify software slowdown to MPs

telecom | 01/12/2018 5:39 pm EST

NDP calls on Apple to justify software slowdown to MPsThe NDP says silicon valley giant Apple Inc. should speak to a...