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Broadcaster pushes for new multilingual channel as COVID lobbying continues

Media | 07/14/2020 3:33 pm EDT

Broadcaster pushes for new multilingual channel as COVID lobbying continuesAn Ontario-based ethnic broadcaster lobbying the government for funding to create a multilingual news channel to help Canadians access health information says it’s too early...

LEO projects promise rural, remote broadband in just a few years

telecom | 07/27/2018 3:16 pm EDT

LEO projects promise rural, remote broadband in just a few yearsThree years after a number of big companies first announced they would launch global low-earth-orbit (LEO) systems that would provide internet connectivity to remote areas around the world, that space is getting crowded — including with some Canadian competition. If...

Experts question feasibility of low-orbit satellites for Internet

telecom | 08/25/2015 7:24 pm EDT

Some of the world’s most well-known investors, including Richard Branson and Elon Musk, are betting that new projects that involve putting thousands of satellites into low orbit will bring the...