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Telecom leaders sell IoT services to increasingly savvy market

telecom | 06/29/2015 8:14 pm EDT

Over the past year, there has been a key change in the Internet of Things (IoT) market, as customers have become more aware of the technology and what it can do for them, according to officials from Canadian telecom companies. Eric Simmons, general manager of Rogers Communications Inc.'s machine-to-machine (M2M) division, said he's noticed more customers coming in with fully developed ideas about how they want to harness the technology to improve their business. "A lot of the conversations we've had in the past were helping to explain the industry, helping to explain what...

Public not yet sold on Internet of Things: survey

Media | 10/16/2014 3:24 pm EDT

The Internet of Things has been compared to the Industrial Revolution in terms of its eventual impact, though the general public is not yet fully aware of it nor convinced of its value, according to a recent study. That’s the takeaway from a study of U.S. residents by Acquity Group, a marketing and research firm owned by Accenture Inc., which found that 87 per cent of consumers hadn’t heard of the term “the Internet of Things.” Practical consumer applications of the Internet of Things (IoT) enabled by machine-to-machine communication (M2M), such as smart-home...

Can carriers make the switch to become M2M service providers?

telecom | 03/25/2014 7:12 pm EDT

Canada’s big telecom providers have a lot to prove as service providers in machine-to-machine communication (M2M), according to Macquarie analyst Greg MacDonald. Companies such as Rogers...

M2M compared to Industrial Revolution, science fiction

telecom | 03/20/2014 12:22 am EDT

TORONTO — The world’s most interconnected retail store isn’t in London, Paris or New York, Canadian Tire Corp. chief technology officer Eugene Roman said Wednesday, but in West...