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Google building smart community in Toronto

telecom | 10/18/2017 8:46 pm EDT

Google building smart community in TorontoAlphabet Inc.’s Sidewalk Labs have won a City of Toronto request for proposals to create a development plan called Sidewalk Toronto, which aims to design a high-tech neighbourhood with smart city infrastructure on an 800-acre piece of Toronto’s eastern waterfront. The...

Are provinces filling the federal broadband strategy gap?

telecom | 03/17/2017 6:57 pm EDT

Nova Scotia may not be formulating its provincial broadband plan as a direct response to federal inaction, but that doesn’t mean the provincial government isn’t acting out of a need to fill a void affecting its residents. “It’s like a lot of things in that the provincial government is closer to the people than the federal government is, in certain respects,” David MacNeil, senior advisor in the Nova Scotia department of business, said in a phone interview. “There’s no federal, provincial, municipal responsibility for making sure people have good...

Ontario Chamber of Commerce calls for provincial action on broadband

telecom | 07/22/2016 7:52 pm EDT

The Ontario government should be playing a major role in developing the province’s broadband infrastructure, according to the Ontario Chamber of Commerce. In an open letter to Premier Kathleen...

TVO seeks $114,075 refund from documentarian

Media | 05/22/2015 4:15 pm EDT

Ontario public broadcaster TVO said Friday it is terminating an agreement with White Pine Pictures Inc. for a documentary on Premier Kathleen Wynne and seeking to refund $114,075 that it says was paid to the company. TVO said in...

Huawei announces $210M in new Ontario investments

telecom | 11/03/2014 8:52 pm EST

Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. announced new plans over the weekend for a $210 million investment in Ontario over the next five years, much of it earmarked for research and development. The Chinese maker of network technology...

Mulcair denounces Glover statements on Netflix regulation

Media | 10/08/2014 8:11 pm EDT

OTTAWA — NDP Leader Tom Mulcair on Wednesday denounced Heritage Minister Shelly Glover's statements that ruled out regulation for online video services such as Netflix and YouTube, which...

Government blamed for CRTC predicament on Netflix

Media | 09/29/2014 2:49 pm EDT

The federal government’s pursuit of a consumer-driven broadcasting policy instead of a more comprehensive digital strategy has left the CRTC in a difficult position when it comes to regulating Internet video services, says at least one telecom expert. Toronto-based telecommunications consultant Mark Goldberg said the Conservatives government's approach to the communications sector has been “big on politics, light on policy,” and the consequence is the uncertainty over regulating Internet streaming services, such as Netflix and YouTube, that surfaced at the CRTC’s...

Shelly Glover rules out Internet-TV regulation

Media | 09/11/2014 2:22 pm EDT

Heritage Minister Shelly Glover says the government will not allow new taxes or regulations on Internet-based television services. Glover, the federal minister responsible for the CRTC, said so in a statement sent Monday night...