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Telecom, broadcasting lobbying hits July lag

Media | 08/16/2017 3:41 pm EDT

Telecom, broadcasting lobbying hits July lagJuly lobbying activity was affected by the expected summer slowdown that comes with Parliament not sitting and politicians being spread out across the country in their ridings — but that didn’t mean groups weren’t active. On Monday, Heritage Minister Mélanie...

Who to lobby on spectrum: Policy Map

telecom | 06/12/2015 2:33 pm EDT

With demand for wireless spectrum on the rise, policy around the finite natural resource in Canada has emerged as a major government file over the last decade. Two spectrum auctions have already taken place this year, so far raising $2.86 billion in government revenues, and a third auction is scheduled for August to sell off residual spectrum licenses not previously bought. Talks are also underway between government and industry stakeholders for a future 3500 MHz auction that could take rural spectrum used for fixed wireless service and repurpose it for mobile service in urban areas. There...