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Twitter lobbying on feds’ internet ad policy

Media | 11/18/2019 4:38 pm EST

Twitter Inc. has registered to lobby the federal government on its internet advertising policy, following the social media company’s ban on political ads on its platform globally. The registration, effective November 1, seeks to specifically address "the adoption of digital media and advertising by government." The new subject came two days after Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said the company would not allow political advertising on the platform by blocking accounts from paying to promote messages.  “A political message earns reach when people decide to follow an account or retweet,”...

Twitter lobbying on online ads in wake of proposed elections bill

Media | 07/09/2018 1:17 pm EDT

Twitter lobbying on online ads in wake of proposed elections billTwitter Inc. wants to make sure the government understands how online advertising works before it considers adopting new elections legislation, said the company’s head of...

Government blamed for CRTC predicament on Netflix

Media | 09/29/2014 2:49 pm EDT

The federal government’s pursuit of a consumer-driven broadcasting policy instead of a more comprehensive digital strategy has left the CRTC in a difficult position when it comes to regulating Internet video services, says...