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Rogers defends bulk MDU deals as competitive practice

telecom | 10/30/2023 4:24 pm EDT

Rogers aims to improve churn, ‘reset’ enterprise divisionIn an answer submitted to the CRTC last Thursday, Rogers Communications Inc. defended its multiple dwelling unit (MDU) bulk agreement practices, under fire by Beanfield Technologies Inc., saying it is good for competition and any changes should require broader...

Competitors rally behind Beanfield in fight against Rogers’ exclusive MDU agreements

telecom | 10/27/2023 6:46 pm EDT

Commercial MDU exclusivity deals, high riser management fees re-monopolizing telecom sector: Beanfield founderInterventions coming in from the CRTC show competitor internet service providers (ISPs) and other independents backing up Beanfield Technologies Inc. in its claims against...

Despite some in-building wire competition, barriers remain: CloudWifi

telecom | 11/26/2020 10:48 am EST

Despite some in-building wire competition, barriers remain: CloudWifiIn a CRTC proceeding set to determine whether competitive access for...

CRTC says no to interim fibre in-building wire access

telecom | 07/09/2020 5:01 pm EDT

CRTC says no to interim fibre in-building wire accessThe CRTC has denied a CloudWifi Inc. request for an interim scheme to allow small internet service...

IBW access is unnecessary if small ISPs can install their own: Bell

telecom | 05/25/2020 4:22 pm EDT

IBW access is unnecessary if small ISPs can install their own: BellTwo small internet service providers who install their own fibre...

CRTC denies Bell’s request to suspend in-building wire consultation

telecom | 04/30/2020 4:01 pm EDT

A request by BCE Inc. to freeze the process to create an access regime for in-building wire in multi-dwelling units (MDUs) has been denied by the CRTC, in the latest development of Bell’s...

Bell calls for new in-building wire tariff to be put on ice

telecom | 04/16/2020 5:47 pm EDT

Bell calls for new in-building wire tariff to be put on iceA process to create a tariff for access to in-building wire in multi-dwelling units should be put on hold until after the COVID-19 pandemic has ended, or until BCE Inc. has been given sufficient time to check every existing connection, Bell has argued in a Part 1 application...

ISPs using Bell’s in-building wire ordered to identify customers

telecom | 04/09/2020 3:12 pm EDT

All internet service providers who were accessing BCE Inc.’s in-building wire as of Dec. 16, 2019 must give Bell a list of all buildings in which they were accessing Bell's wires to provide service...

CRTC orders Bell to sign agreement with CloudWifi

telecom | 03/26/2020 5:22 pm EDT

The CRTC has ordered BCE Inc. to sign an agreement that would allow CloudWifi Inc. to progress its application to become a competitive local exchange carrier (CLEC), finding Bell’s continued refusal to do so is “unnecessarily...

Fibre wire access scheme already exists, PIAC argues

telecom | 02/12/2020 5:46 pm EST

As CRTC rejects FairPlay, proposal could move to legislative reviewsCloudWifi Inc.’s application for small internet service providers to be able to access fibre...

CloudWifi says other small ISPs need access to in-building fibre

telecom | 01/09/2020 1:49 pm EST

CloudWifi says other small ISPs need access to in-building fibreCloudWifi Inc. has gone to bat for other small internet service providers...

CRTC has sole jurisdiction over in-building wire: Ontario court

telecom | 11/12/2019 8:31 pm EST

CRTC has sole jurisdiction over in-building wire: Ontario courtThe Ontario Superior Court of Justice has ruled against BCE Inc. in favour...

Court pauses decision in Bell v CloudWifi until CRTC decision

telecom | 08/28/2019 5:12 pm EDT

The Federal Court of Appeal has decided that it will delay making a decision on whether or not to grant BCE Inc.’s leave to appeal a June CRTC decision giving CloudWifi Inc. access to Bell wiring...

Cloudwifi says Bell court appeal request ‘premature’

telecom | 08/09/2019 6:14 pm EDT

Cloudwifi says Bell court appeal request ‘premature’CloudWifi Inc. has asked the federal court of appeal to dismiss a motion...

Bell turns to Federal Court of Appeal over CloudWiFi decision

telecom | 07/23/2019 5:12 pm EDT

BCE Inc. is asking for leave to appeal the CRTC’s June decision granting CloudWifi Inc. competitor access to Bell’s service wires in multi-dwelling units (MDUs). That decision allowed internet...

CRTC suspends post-CloudWiFi proceeding deadlines

telecom | 07/19/2019 1:42 pm EDT

The CRTC has suspended the deadlines it set for BCE Inc. to file tariffs on access to its fibre wire inside buildings and for other carriers to file interventions in a related proceeding. In a June decision, the regulator granted CloudWifi Inc. competitor access to Bell’s service wires in multi-dwelling units. It asked Bell to file access rates within 30 days of the decision, and said it is of the “preliminary view” that all internet service providers and “potentially” all telecommunications service providers must also allow access to inside wires. It launched a separate...

CRTC grants ISPs access to Bell building fibre for a fee

telecom | 06/26/2019 8:49 am EDT

CRTC grants ISPs access to Bell building fibre for a feeThe CRTC is granting CloudWifi Inc. competitor access to BCE Inc.’s...

Allow ISPs to access inside wire — for a fee: CNOC

telecom | 10/17/2018 4:05 pm EDT

Allow ISPs to access inside wire -- for a fee: CNOCThe CRTC should set up a regime to allow internet service providers to use...

CRTC to decide if mandated access to inside wire applies to fibre

telecom | 09/07/2018 3:31 pm EDT

CRTC to decide if mandated access to inside wire applies to fibreA small internet service provider (ISP) is asking the CRTC to order BCE...