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CNOC calls for fibre resale relief in TekSavvy complaint against Rogers-Quebecor divestiture arrangement

telecom | 02/01/2023 9:42 am EST

Rogers-Quebecor TPIA arrangements in Shaw merger violate Telecom Act: TekSavvy to CRTCThe Competitive Network Operators of Canada has rowed in behind a Part 1 application from TekSavvy Solutions Inc., which alleges that the array of off-tariff agreements (OTAs)...

Hockey broadcasters win fresh site-blocking order

telecom | 11/23/2022 7:43 am EST

CCSA decries Shaw’s plan to cut satellite serviceThe start of another hockey season brings another federal court site-blocking order for a trio of telecom companies and sports broadcasters.  In a court order issued Monday, Justice Jocelyne Gagné granted BCE Inc.,  Rogers Communications Inc., and Quebecor Inc. and...

Bell will fold EBox into Distributel: Bell CFO

telecom | 09/13/2022 6:15 pm EDT

Bell will fold EBox into Distributel: Bell CFOBCE Inc. is planning to maintain recently acquired Distributel Ltd. as a standalone company, but will...

Telus, TLN, have a business dispute, not an actionable complaint: CRTC

telecom | 02/11/2022 2:41 pm EST

Roaming revenue not expected to fully recover until 2022: Telus CFOOn Friday the CRTC dismissed a complaint by Telus Corp. against TLN Media...

CRTC rejects EBox undue preference complaint against Oxio

Media | 11/04/2021 5:33 pm EDT

CRTC proposes code of conduct for ISPsThe CRTC found that a Quebec-based independent broadcasting company is in compliance with its broadcasting exemption order despite taking several months to distribute some required local channels and to provide relevant information to consumers. Thursday, the commission released a decision in which it found that 9303-4338 Québec Inc. (Oxio) is in compliance with the broadcasting distribution undertaking (BDU) exemption order -- which sets out the terms and conditions...

Bell played fair in carriage dispute with Ebox: CRTC

telecom | 02/13/2018 3:08 pm EST

In a decision on Monday, the CRTC ruled that BCE Inc. did not subject independent telecom Ebox Inc. to an undue disadvantage during carriage negotiations. In a Part 1 application in September, Ebox alleged that Bell was putting...

EBox files Part 1 over carriage disagreement with Bell

telecom | 09/27/2017 4:54 pm EDT

Independent internet service provider (ISP) EBox Inc. wants the CRTC to help solve a carriage dispute with BCE Inc., which it says is refusing to allow EBox to carry its TV channels. EBox said...

Iristel, EBox, DHX among new lobby registrations

Media | 02/21/2017 9:54 pm EST

The start of the new year was marked by new registrations for new and not-so-new companies and groups in the federal lobbyists’ registry. Iristel Inc. registered to lobby the federal government as of Jan....