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CRTC amends deadlines for NG911 comments

telecom | 03/25/2022 4:41 pm EDT

As CRTC rejects FairPlay, proposal could move to legislative reviewsThe CRTC has pushed back deadlines for comments on next generation 911 (NG911) service following a request by the Independent Telecommunications Providers Association (ITPA). The proceeding will look at funding NG911 through the National Contribution Fund. On Mar. 14 the...

CRTC to forbear from regulating IXPL services on 12 additional routes

telecom | 03/25/2022 4:32 pm EDT

STB data measurement complex task, group saysThe CRTC has added a dozen additional routes to its list of interexchange private line (IXPL) services that it is forbearing from regulation. In a decision released Friday,...

Telus, Tbaytel, subordination of spectrum licences approved

telecom | 01/24/2022 4:24 pm EST

Resistance to tower builds shows need to ‘rethink’ consultations: MPThe department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED)...

ISP coalition stands up to proposed hydro pole price

telecom | 03/22/2018 5:53 pm EDT

A coalition of internet service providers (ISPs) is taking the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) to task over a proposal to significantly raise the cost of hydro pole installation across the province, which they say will inevitably lead...

Carriers ask CRTC to take powers from government

telecom | 10/02/2014 9:37 pm EDT

GATINEAU, Que. — Two of Canada's largest wireless carriers called on the CRTC to take some regulatory power from Industry Canada at the commission's week-long hearing into the wholesale wireless market. Both Rogers...

CRTC releases figures on wireless wholesale caps

telecom | 08/06/2014 8:54 pm EDT

On Wednesday the CRTC released average domestic retail prices for wireless carriers as part of its ongoing examination of the wholesale wireless market in Canada. The CRTC declined a request from Wind Mobile to make public the...

Ontario communities look at repurposing broadcast towers for mobile services

telecom | 05/22/2013 5:53 pm EDT

Six Ontario communities are looking for partnerships with wireless carriers to launch or improve local mobile services using repurposed radio and TV broadcast towers, which could mean cellphone service for some of the province’s most rural and hard-to-reach areas, said people involved in the project. The towers could make use of an existing mobile carrier's spectrum, extending its service into hard-to-reach areas, the people said in interviews, or the communities may look at...