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Canada’s Bill C-63 takes aim at online hate crimes and child exploitation

Internet and Governance | 02/26/2024 9:32 pm EST

A person uses a laptop, next to a phone and tablet.The government of Canada has unveiled its long-awaited Online Harms Act aimed at addressing child exploitation and hateful content online.  Introduced in the House of...

Andrew Scheer shuffles Heritage, Industry critics

Media | 09/07/2018 4:36 pm EDT

Few policy details from new CPC leaderOpposition Conservative leader Andrew Scheer has shuffled his caucus's shadow cabinet in the lead up to Parliament returning for its fall sitting –- including two MPs with key critic roles tasked with watching communications and cultural policy. Quebec MP Steven Blaney...

MPs Fillmore and Anandasangaree named Heritage parl secs

Media | 08/31/2018 11:43 am EDT

MPs Fillmore and Anandasangaree named Heritage parl secsAfter this summer’s cabinet shuffle, the Heritage minister will gain two...

Broadcast lobbying jumped ahead of Creative Canada release

Media | 10/24/2017 6:20 pm EDT

Broadcast lobbying jumped ahead of Creative Canada releaseCreative organizations stepped up and added to a surge in lobbying activity...

Lametti, Casey take on Heritage, ISED roles

Media | 01/26/2017 8:23 pm EST

The Ministers of Canadian Heritage and Innovation, Science and Economic Development have new understudies. In a Thursday press release, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a makeover to his roster of parliamentary...